Nano-Electronic Diamond Devices and Systems

The Nano-Electronic Diamond Devices and Systems (NEDDS) group at the University of Glasgow specialises in the investigation of diamond for the development of various electronic and nano-scale applications.

Our current areas of research include:

  • Diamond transistors (FETs)
  • High power diamond electronic components
  • Diamond nano-imprinting
  • Diamond micro and nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS & MEMS)
  • Diamond based chemical and biological sensors


Beyond its allure as a rare gemstone, diamond possesses several unique and extreme properties which make it highly desirable as an engineering material for the development of a range of new and exciting technologies.  Some of these highly attractive properties include:

  • The highest thermal conductivity of any bulk solid which allows heat to flow through diamond easier than any other material.
  • A large electronic bandgap of 5.5 eV which allows diamond to tolerate high electric fields/ high voltage operation and potentially be used in hazardous and radiation intense environments.
  • High intrinsic electron and hole mobility which allows electronic charge to travel through the diamond structure with relative ease which is ideal for high frequency electronics.


For further information on the research activities of the NEDDS group or to enquire about potential available research positions, please contact Dr. David Moran:

NEDDS group contact details:

Dr. David A. J. Moran
Nano-Electronic Diamond Devices and Systems Group
The School of Engineering
The Rankine Building
The University of Glasgow
G12 8LT

Tel: +44 (0) 141 330 4106